Locked Up: The criminals justice caught up with in June and what happened to them - Wales Online

2022-07-02 06:03:20 By : Ms. Max Zhang

The faces of the people jailed for the most serious crimes in Wales in the past month

Here is our monthly round up of the criminals who have been locked up for some of the most serious crimes in Wales over the past month. They include the three killers of innocent schoolboy Logan Mwangi - including a teenager who was 13 at the time - who were jailed on the last day of the month.

There was also the horrific case of a murderer who fatally stabbed his victim Jordan Cody in the neck after following him into a tent near Cardiff city centre. Mr Cody suffered catastrophic injuries and bled to death moments after collapsing.

And the pair responsible for a dog which fatally mauled schoolboy Jack Lis were also jailed this month. Ten-year-old Jack suffered catastrophic injuries after being attacked by an American bulldog called Beast.

Read more: Logan Mwangi murder sentencing live updates

There were also a further nine men jailed for attacks on women in June, bringing the total number of men we have reported on who have been sentenced to prison for abusing women so far this year to 49.

Welsh Women's Aid says that violence against woman and girls in Wales is at "epidemic rates", and have called on the UK and Welsh Governments to do more. You can read more about that here.

Here are the faces of the criminals locked up for the most serious crimes in Wales during June 2022. To get the biggest court news straight to your inbox, subscribe to our crime and punishment newsletter here.

The three killers of innocent schoolboy Logan Mwangi were sentenced to a total of 72 years for the murder of the five-year-old who was beaten to death, suffering dozens of injuries, and dumped in a river.

Logan's mother and stepfather, and teenager Craig Mulligan, were all found guilty of murder following a trial.

Williamson, 31, of Lower Llansantffraid, Sarn, Bridgend, was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 28 years, stepdad John Cole, 40, of Maesglas, Ynysawdre, Bridgend, was also sentenced to life with a minimum of 29 years. Mulligan, who was 13 at the time of the attack, was given life with a minimum of 15 years. Read the court sentencing here.

The murderer fatally stabbed his victim Jordan Cody in the neck after following him into a tent. Mr Cody suffered catastrophic injuries and bled to death moments after collapsing.

White attacked his victim with a knife outside the Huggard Centre in Cardiff, a centre for homeless people, on November 23 last year. The killer had been released from prison four days earlier and was struggling to cope with civilian life, telling people shortly before the stabbing "I need to go back to jail".

Horrific footage of the murder was played to a trial at Cardiff Crown Court last month which depicted White, 44, entering a tent used for drug taking. Mr Cody, 31, was already inside the tent and after a scuffle he was seen running from the tent before falling to the floor.

The two men from Caerphilly were jailed for helping their older brother cover up his wife's brutal murder.

Pizza shop owner Nezam Salangy, 44, killed his wife but claimed she had simply left him for another man. He continued to protest his innocence as he was condemned in court for using bank accounts and phone messages to create fake leads appearing to show that Zobaidah Salangy was still alive.

The pair responsible for a dog which fatally mauled schoolboy Jack Lis were jailed this month. Ten-year-old Jack suffered catastrophic injuries after being attacked by an American bulldog called Beast.

Hayden, 19, and Salter, 29, pleaded guilty to being in charge of a dangerously out of control dog which caused severe injuries to Jack's head and neck. The attack took place at an address linked to Salter in Pentwyn, Penyrheol, Caerphilly, on November 8. Jack was killed after Beast attacked him while he was standing near the address when the dog jumped onto him and caused the fatal injuries. Read about a petition launched by Jack's mum here.

The man with a "sadistic" side to his nature subjected his pregnant partner to a campaign of abuse including pouring a kettle of boiling water over her arm.

Price carried out the series of sickening assaults on the woman over a prolonged period, leaving her feeling exhausted and like a "shell" of the person she used to be.

The rapper issued a series of lurid threats against a rival wordsmith before trying to firebomb his house but getting the wrong address.

Athernought - who raps under the name Ath - went out in the dead of night armed with a petrol bomb to target his victim, Official Chronic, following a feud between the pair. But the defendant firebombed the wrong house, instead torching a property belonging to a mum and her teenage son.

The 'controlling bully' was exposed when he attacked his wife following a meal at which he had taunted a woman in a same-sex relationship.

Keenan was said to be "extremely violent" after drinking and subjected his wife Andrea to a series of attacks. These included pouring boiling water on her, banging her head on the floor and making her transfer him £20,000 by grabbing her thumb and unlocking her phone.

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The young cocaine dealer broke both his legs jumping from a roof as he tried to flee from a police raid.

Llewelyn was part of a gang of four young men who were supplying "significant quantities" of the Class A drug to users in and around Swansea.

A judge lamented the "tragedy" of a mum who achieved strong grades at school only to fall into a long spiral of drugs and crime.

In her latest offences Williams stole more than £1,200 worth of Boots products in Cardiff and cut a security guard with a knife.

King was jailed for sexually assaulting a teenager 17 years ago in what a judge described as a forceful, nasty, and cruel attack.

The defendant put his had over the terrified girl's mouth to stop her screaming during the incident.

Merthyr Crown Court heard following the abuse the victim turned to drugs and self harming, and she was "written off as an addict who could not be believed".

He filmed himself raping a sleeping woman using his victim's own mobile phone.

Hassan had maintained his innocence when questioned by police and pleaded not guilty when he got to court – but dramatically changed his plea during his trial at Swansea Crown Court after the jury was shown a video of the sex assault.

When the heroin-dealing dad-of-six was arrested and his phone rang in custody it played a "Hello, I'm your drug dealer" ringtone.

Owens had been caught red-handed selling heroin to a man on a Swansea street and was being dealt with by officers when the mobile went off. The customer he had sold drugs to ran off when police approached but was chased and detained.

The drug dealer from Newport punched, kicked and stamped on a man during a vicious assault involving nine other people and left the victim with a broken nose.

He was later found in possession of a drugs phone line which proved he had been selling cocaine and heroin. Read more here.

The cocaine and cannabis dealer was caught after he and an accomplice were seen by police selling drugs to a woman. When police seized the dealer's phone they found messages related to the sale of class A drugs.

The 26-year-old was driving a car in Cardiff on February 1, 2020, with his co-defendant Abdul Azziz Al-Ekely in the passenger seat. When they passed through the Riverside area of the city, police officers observed a woman getting in and out of the car and were suspicious of a drug deal taking place.

Parry was found with an eight-inch knife in her possession at a Swansea city centre hotel.

Police found her behind the reception at the Dragon Hotel on Kingsway. After initially being reluctant to do so she gave officers the knife, which measured eight inches.

The 22-year-old, of no fixed abode who has six convictions for 11 offences on her record, appeared for sentencing having admitted possessing a knife in a public place.

He throttled his ex-partner then stabbed her with a broken bottle after accusing her of taking his Valium tablets.

Davison lost his temper with his former girlfriend and attacked her in her flat in Swansea. The 32-year-old later "calmed down" when he found - and took - his misplaced pills.

The gang dealt with up to £5m worth of drugs in a substantial commercial operation and were discovered after their encrypted chats were cracked by police.

The group also bought firearms as part of the enterprise which saw them trafficking class A drugs into south Wales. The read the full story of how they were caught here.

The teenager smirked and laughed after crashing into a car on the hard shoulder during a police chase in which he reached speeds of 140mph. He seriously injured another driver who had previously lost his brother in a road collision.

Davies, now 20, stole his father's Volkswagen Golf from his home in Newport on August 3, 2021 and refused to stop when told to do so by police before embarking on a high-speed chase. He crashed into the back of a car belonging to Lionel Harrhy who had broken down and was parked on the hard shoulder of the A48 in Cardiff.

The same cars were stolen by a gang of brazen thieves three times in a fortnight - twice from secure garages after police had recovered them from the earlier thefts.

Other stolen cars were used to ramraid the compounds where the seized vehicles were being stored, and the hot wheels were then driven away before forensic tests could be done. Read the full story here.

This abusive man strangled his former partner and threatened to kill her more than a decade after their relationship ended. He also threatened to "batter her" if she called the police.

The 33-year-old, of Cardiff, would not accept his relationship with his former partner was over and continued to harass her despite her pleas for him to stop.

She repeatedly "smashed" her friend's head on the steps in a block of flats in an assault motivated by jealousy.

Hopkins was intoxicated when she attacked her victim after apparently taking exception to text messages sent to her boyfriend, and his response to them. The defendant has 10 assaults on her record out of her total of 22 previous offences.

After being arrested on suspicion of assaulting his own mother, Williams subjected a policeman to a tirade of racist abuse before assaulting him with a shoe.

An intoxicated Williams told the PC he was not white and was not British, and should not be a police officer. He also made references to the constable coming to the UK on a raft or boat, and accused him of giving information to the Taliban.

The teenage drug dealer was caught trying to smuggle wraps of cocaine into a popular outdoor music festival.

A sniffer dog picked up the scent of something concealed in Ali's shorts on entry to the Escape into the Park dance festival in Swansea's Singleton Park, and a subsequent search found a dozen wraps of cocaine along with almost £600 in cash.

The "arrogant" anti-vaxxer smashed the windows at Covid vaccination sites in Wales in a bizarre attempt to stop people getting their jabs.

Edwards insisted he was "justified" to carry out the attack at the two sites claiming his actions were his "last chance" of making an impact in influencing people against the vaccines.

He attacked his mother in the middle of the night while shouting "I f****** hate you" and was described as "possessed". He later went on to trash her home and pulled a toilet away from a wall.

Murphy, 36, of Merthyr Tydfil, assaulted his mother for which he received a suspended prison sentence. But after he was told to leave her home, he left holes and scratches around the house before dismantling the bathroom.

He wielded a fake gun while breaking into vehicles and threatening to "blow off" one car owner's head. The beer keg maker went on the spree of break-ins after struggling to cope with his child not recognising him, a court heard.

The 20-year-old appeared to be trying car doors in Rhiwglyn Road, Ogmore Vale, at around 6am on October 22 last year when Leah Spanswick saw him through her bedroom window.

Jerrard 'violently resisted' police officers who responded to a domestic incident causing them both to suffer injuries.

Swansea Crown Court heard how on June 9 this year police officers attended an address in Margam regarding an abandoned 999 call. They could see the living room window was smashed and they found Jerrard and his partner at the time. Officers felt that Jerrard was under the influence of drink and drugs due to his behaviour, which continued to escalate, and there was fears that he could become violent.

He sexually assaulted a boy in the toilets of a bowling alley. Light already had a history of attacking children when he targeted the eight-year-old.

Fom Aberdare, he went to the venue one evening last December and the way he looked at children near him caused one family to ask to be moved to another lane. They said the 32-year-old had "creeped the children out". He then went into the toilets and waited for 19 minutes at the urinals before an eight-year-old boy entered.

The homeless man living in the woods terrorised a woman after threatening to burn down her home and calling her "a c***". He would also prevent her from sleeping by shouting expletives in the woods near her home.

Sunrise, 47, had know his victim Danika Fawcett for a number of years. But when she walked past him in the street in Monmouth with her two-year-old grandson, he launched a tirade of abuse at her.

A Swansea chef has been left with sleepless nights and has moved house after his home was burgled and many of his belongings stolen.

Swansea Crown Court heard how on January 11 earlier this year Oliver Perkis found his home in Uplands, Swansea had been burgled overnight. His driving licence, bank card and around £30 to £40 had been stolen, along with two hooded jumpers, some protein powder, a mini speaker, video games and his chef's knife and knife sheath. Queeley was arrested for the offence.

A judge accused the drug dealer of 'revelling' in the crime after videos were found on his mobile phone advertising their sale with the tagline 'Got the white that will make you fly like a kite'.

Swansea Crown Court heard how on September 29, 2020, plain clothed police officers on patrol in the Hafod area of Swansea in an unmarked vehicle saw a stolen white van driving along Neath Road.

Indecent images of children as young as four being abused were found on the phone of a convicted sex offender.

In June 2021, South Wales Police officers from the online investigation team based in Bridgend were alerted to a computer linked to an address in Crwys Terrace, Penlan, Swansea - Joshua Neil Bevan's home address, that was being used to download indecent images of children.

The drug dealer was found in possession of more than £7,000-worth of heroin, cocaine, and cannabis after a fellow dealer led police to his address. Officers also found a Rambo-style knife at his Cardiff home as well as various drug paraphernalia.

The would-be robber was armed with a sawn-off shotgun when he attempted to steal a Rolex watch worth £53,000 and threatened to shoot his victims until he learned one of them was a police officer. The incident left the family "traumatised" and considering whether to sell their home.

Myers, 42, demanded the watch from its owner when he produced the firearm from a rucksack after entering the victim's Cardiff home..

A cannabis farm was uncovered after neighbours reported suspicious activity at an unoccupied house on their street. People living near the Morriston property reached for the phone after seeing people carrying a "large number" of black bags to a van parked in a rear lane.

Police caught one of the gardeners - Galatas - working in the house but the other - who fled through a back door while police were at the front door - remains unidentified and unaccounted for. With the help of a Greek interpreter, a judge told the defendant who didn't get away that he had been "very foolish" to get involved in the cultivating of cannabis.

The drug addict stole money from his mother-in-law which she had borrowed to pay for her daughter's funeral.

He initially denied taking the money, which was intended to be used to pay for his own partner's send-off, but confessed to his victim in a letter from prison.

The motorist seen "drifting" from lane to lane on the M4 before hitting the central reservation barrier had taken 20 Valium tablets and was in "no fit state to do anything, least of all drive". Earlier that night Scott Garnett had been woken up by fellow drivers who found him asleep at the wheel of his car at a set of traffic lights in Swansea.

Swansea Crown Court heard that when Garnett's driving came to an end he appeared to be "not fully conscious" and was confused about where he was, seemingly mistaking Port Talbot for Maesteg.

He pulled out a machete on his friend in an argument over drugs but was chased down the street and attacked with a baseball bat. He ended up with injuries, while his victim was left unharmed, and has now been jailed.

The 31-year-old had been smoking cannabis with Ashley Boyland in a shed at the latter's Bargoed home when an argument began with Jones accused of stealing cannabis.

The drug dealers were caught with two-dozen cocaine deals worth more than £4,500 in the glove box of their van.

Police swooped on the vehicle after seeing it driving slowly down a Swansea street and stopping alongside a pedestrian before an exchange took place through the open window. A search of the van driver's home uncovered more than £10,500 in cash in a bag in the kitchen.

The heroin and crack cocaine dealer in his 40s was found living with - and supply drugs to - his teenage girlfriend and her mother.

Police initially went to the Swansea house following concerns that a drugs gang had taken over the property, and were using it as a base for operations - a phenomenon known as "cuckooing". In fact they found 44-year-old Hughes living with his 17-year-old partner and her mother, both of whom were among his Class A customers.

A man who raped an 11-year-old boy sees nothing wrong with engaging in sexual activity with children, a court heard.

Janes believes children of primary school age know what sexual activity is and "they want it". Swansea Crown Court heard the defendant thinks he was giving pleasure to the boy he raped, and he does not think he committed an offence. Passing an extended sentence on Janes, a judge told him he posed a danger to children.

The pensioner groomed what he believed was a 13-year-old girl before travelling to Swansea with massage oil, a vibrator, and Viagra for sex with her. In the 72-year-old's car police also found a role of heavy-duty tape and an audiobook of a story about a girl who was abducted from outside school.

Huggins checked into a hotel in Swansea and arranged to meet the child at a branch of Tesco, telling her to pretend to be his granddaughter to avoid arousing suspicion. In fact, he had been communicating with a decoy account being run by a so-called paedophile hunter group.

The former city councillor has been found in possession of over 100 indecent photos of children. Rahman was jailed for three years and eight months at Newport Crown Court after pleading guilty to possessing and sharing indecent images of children at an address on Corporation Road, Newport.

The 34-year-old, of Marine Terrace in Porthcawl, pleaded guilty to distributing 12 category A indecent photographs of children between November 2020 and May 2021, as well as to sharing one category B indecent image of a child on March 1, 2021.

31 men who have been jailed for abusing women in Wales this year

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